EM-PEIR-IA/em pir ‘ē uh/ Ancient Greek for experience.

Why the name Empeiria 110? There were countless meetings to determine the right name for our venue. Many lists were made, but nothing ever clicked. Almost 2 years passed while we waited on all the approvals, and we were still nameless.

Why the name Empeiria 110? There were countless meetings to determine the right name for our venue. Many lists were made, but nothing ever clicked. Almost 2 years passed while we waited on all the approvals, and we were still nameless.

I began to realize that I always used the word “experience” every time I described our vision of the venue. I would say, “We want to give our guests a great experience not just a place.” It is important to us that people feel invited, comfortable, and have lots of fun in a beautiful space no matter the event.

Since traveling is a passion of our family, I started looking at foreign languages. It wasn’t long when I had that light bulb moment! The Greek spelling for experience is empeiria. That was it! We added the 110 since our location is on State Road 110. The name discussions stopped. We were finally all in agreement. Our venue name is Empeiria 110!

Check us out! Go to our website at www.empeiria110.com and reserve your day. You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram @empeiria110 to see our progression. We are excited to be a part of your great “empeiria!”

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